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Announcement and policy considering COVID 19

A-Tekniikka Oy

Announcement and policy considering COVID 19

We want to act responsibly and ensure the continuity of our entire supply chain in the current and potentially worsening epidemic situation. We also want to ensure the safety and health of our employees. The situation is followed daily at A-Tekniikka Oy and the guidance will be updated if necessary.

1.      Daily activities

·       The operations continues as usual.

·       The spare parts deliveries will be done immediately as usual.

·       The support continues as usual.

·       The R&D projects continues as usual.

·       The machine deliveries will be done as usual.

·       The service work continues as usual in Finland.

2.      Visits and daily operations in our factory

·       Business meetings will be managed via Skype/Teams/phone

·       All visits are postponed until further notice 

·       All travels are forbidden

·       We follow government instructions peremptorily

•    We have increased cleaning, washing hands, keep distance, no lunch in restaurants etc.

Let`s all do our best to be and stay healthy.

Janne Lindqvist


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